While therapy for newcomers may feel daunting, every adventure starts with a first step. Besides finding relief or coping mechanisms, there are several reasons why everyone should try therapy. Here are just a few reasons:
1. Therapy provides relief for situations that you may not otherwise have.
Therapy can help you in situations that have you overwhelmed. In therapy, we call it flooded. There’s a reason why many times we can offer great advice for others, but struggle to apply similar principles to our own life. It may also be we simply don’t have the skillset to overcome our issue. Therapists spend our time studying mental health issues and family dynamics. This can help our clients get clearer pictures of their situation. We can also apply the latest research and techniques. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been studied and researched and is an effective treatment for a host of issues, including anxiety, depression, and social disorders.
2. Therapy is a personal investment.
The gym, spa, and nail salon are places we to do self-improvement. While physical health is important, so is our mental health and relationships with our family. Therapy provides a place to create competency in areas that we may be struggle or feel unfilled. Therapy can help with anxiety, depression, grief, and a host of mental disorders, as well as improve relationships between couples and family members. It’s OK to make an investment in yourself or your family.
3. Therapy can help you be more successful
More and more large companies are providing onsite therapists to their clients in order retain and foster healthy employees. CEOs recognize that emotional health means better production from their employees. When we have healthier relationships and better mental health, we have more time to focus on our job, roles and goals. It’s also been shown that some who participate in therapy make more money than those that do not. Better mental and relational health help us function at higher levels.
4. Therapy can help your confidence, self-esteem and communication.
One of the major goals of most therapy is to increase knowledge in areas that we may be struggling in. Greater knowledge can help our confidence that we can overcome our current situation or predicament. It can also help in our self-worth. In many family situations, we repeat the cycles of our family of origin. Interrupting those cycles can help us overcome patterns and help us function in brand new ways.
5. Therapy provides an education you’ve never had.
While you received an education that gave you academic knowledge, it’s unlikely that you received much education on mental health. Of the many spheres of life: physical, social, mental, and spiritual, it’s likely your greatest ignorance involved mental health. It’s OK, you’re not alone. In fact, even if you took bachelor-level psychology, you were taught antiquated theories. Therapy will provide a greater understanding of mental health and help you as you continue in life, even beyond your time in therapy. It’s a great way to increase your knowledge and understanding of mental health.
If you’ve got questions you can use the contact form below but if you’re ready to start, you can book your first session below, too.
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